Elizabeth Case

Outreach & DEI

Cycle for Science

In 2015, Rachel Woods-Robinson and I launched Cycle for Science with a three-month bicycle-touring trip across the United States. Drawing on our background in physics, we developed the Sol Cycle, a miniature, 3D-printed, solar-powered bicycle that we used to teach hands-on classes about physics and renewable energy.

Since 2015, we have run numerous one-day and weeklong Cycle for Science programs across the country (and one in Europe!), with more on the way as soon as the pandemic subsides. We have developed new lesson plans, and in general, aim to teach what we've learned as informal educators to other scientists interested in meaningful community engagement.

As an organization, we have reached more than 3500 students, raised $18000 through grants and from crowdfunding, were chosen as part of the inaugural cohort of the Environmental Leardship Program with SHIFT, have given talks and presentations at the American Geophysical Union and the Materials Research Society, and teamed up with Cornell's xRaise to ship the Sol Cycle out to educators everywhere.

We are currently looking for a fiscal sponsor as we transition into a non-profit. If you are interested in working with Cycle for Science, running your own trip, or helping the organization become a non-profit, please reach out!

Seminar on Race, Environmental Justice, and Climate Change

Along with a team of dedicated graduate students, I helped found Columbia's first seminar dedicated to the intersection of race and the environment. We raised $30k to invite some of the world's leading environmental justice experts, developed a curriculum that centered traditionally marginalizd voices, and engaged students, staff, and faculty from across Columbia university.

See here for Fall 2020's schedule of speakers. Spring 2021 is coming soon.